Wednesday, December 5, 2007

meta-haiku on the internet part #2

November 27, 2006 - Monday

1:23 AM - Swatted On The Nose With The Rolled Up Newspaper Of Truth -Part 2: .Senryu
Current mood: Disillusioned- out of state of illusion
Category: Disillusioned- out of state of illusion Blogging

The story so far:
Je maverick scared Doc E
With this comment; quote

" This is senryu
Remember it is content
That makes a haiku"

Doc thinks he's in deep trouble!
"Abandon MySpace!"

I think better on paper.

Working mental equations is less stressful with nobody potentially looking over my shoulder. A non-electronic network of intuition, reason, a number two pencil, and a blank sheet of paper.
I use a personal shorthand that looks like a blend of greek, the calculus, and snot-nosed-punk. My basic approach is Occum's Razor: the simplest solution is likely to be the best course of action.

The following are my best(simplest) translation of the notes written after logging off of my personal confuser.
Je Maverick-Friend, not insane, *Warning?* on Meta-Haiku post comment ...
This is senryu...Person ? Style other than haiku? Is there a threat to/from established authors? Identify possible danger levels to self /MySpace archive/Meta-Haiku.

Formalize/describe M-H for post/publication.
Google/research senryu... Is all true haiku Only in Japanese language/translated from Japanese?

Haiku versus Senryu versus Meta-Haiku

Log into Google, sample "senryu" -Done! Wow!

Log onto MySpace. Post best results in blog!- >Done /buried in archive

Thank Je Maverick for the heads up/ koan (enlightenment inducing puzzle/riddle)! - Done! LOL!

Clarify to readers just what the double-hockey-sticks is going on.- Continuing with this post and following comment replies!
A (not haiku but) senryu for Je Maverick, and all of my good MySpace friends:
Only a True Friend
Cares enough to say, "You have
Snot in your mustache!"
Dear Readers, don't miss the final episode of "Swatted..." where will be posted the fullfilment of the promises made here in part 2. Links to authoratative sites, archives and profiles! Special thanks and acknowledgments! And a suprise announcement!...Watch for my bulletins and stay tuned to this blog!!! ~NAMASTE~~~J.E.~~~

Currently listening :
Who Are You
By The Who
Release date: By 19 November, 1996

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