Wednesday, December 5, 2007

meta-haiku on the internet part #3

November 27, 2006 - Monday

3:25 AM - Swatted On The Nose With The Rolled Up Newspaper Of Truth -Part 3: . Meta-Haiku ( in contusion)
Category: Blogging

I was so worried
My Meta-Haiku
Was not good enough

To Je Meverick:
Who said,"This is senryu."
You are mostly right

I forgot content
Is important to haiku
I apologize

To my dear readers:
Meta-Haiku is senryu.
Haiku treats nature.

To Je Meverick:
Who said,"This is senryu."
You are mostly right

Meta-Haiku is
Senryu about poetry
Or other art works.
senryu about
the writer, or the writing
Is Meta-Haiku

A few days ago I learned an important lesson in humility. If you pioneer a new territory, make sure you tell enough people about it, so that when it becomes popular, future generations of explorers will hold you in high esteem, remembering your name.

Senryu is a particular type of poem that has the traditional form of three lines and seventeen syllables found in haiku. What I didn't understand until Je Maverick pointed it out, is senryu addresses human structures in the same way that traditional, formal haiku only presents natural scenes, usually with a reference to a season.

Meta-Haiku is a particular type of senryu that is written in response to another poem, or work of art. To write a haiku about human nature is senryu: to write a haiku about the nature of a haiku or senryu is Meta-Haiku . I have written so many senryu without knowing that I wasn't writing haiku, that I have to admit to being a little bit embarrassed.

I have come to terms with this negative emotional reaction. I concede that the poems that I write about people and their activities in the physical world is senryu. Senryu is named after the poet that pioneered and popularized this art form. I see Individuals In MySpace who write short poems, and name them after themselves as a way of distinguishing their style, (Glaiku (by Glines), Jaiku (by Justin) , Scifaiku(by any sci-fi fan), Daiku(by horror writers and warriors) , Haikum(by writers of erotica)), from the "normal haiku". Most are senryu based on a certain subject or group or genre of subjects. I have also seen styles of poetry here in MySpace that are so unusual that they deserve their own new name, haiku junior(3-5-3), and Fibonacci verse (1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21...) are my favorites after Meta-Haiku.

Because I believe that the art of comment in haiku form deserves its own genre title and since I am humble enough to believe I wasn't the first to do this, I won't even try to call this sub-genre of senryu "Evolu".

In fact Meta-Haiku was coined by South of Strange in reference to a senryu I wrote about writing haiku. I have also written numerous comments in the 5-7-5 form that have nothing to do with anything but the blog, (not nature, nor the author, but the blog post itself) as a form of literary criticism. Another use of Meta-Haiku is to describe various poetry groups in invitations and bulletins.

I will continue to write haiku about nature, senryu about people, and Meta-Haiku about haiku, senyru and other writings. I have expanded the definition of Meta-Haiku to include any poem , long or short about any form or piece of art, literary or otherwise. Meta-Haiku is any haiku-like expression enspired by an artistic effort.

In my archive, I moved all senryu to the "Life" category and removed the parenthetical notation identifying them as haiku. In future postings of senryu, only a subject phrase and category "Life" will distinguish senryu(about life among people), from haiku, which will be posted in the category "Pets and Animals" (about life in nature). Other styles of poetry will be found in Writing and Poetry, except Meta-Haiku most of which will be stored under "Blogging".

Other haijin accept senryu/haiku comments to their haiku/senryu. Some reply to these comments in kind. In its highest form, Meta-Haiku is a poem (haiku/senryu) that suggests itself or poetry in general as a subject for discussion among poets (senryu/haiku artists, "haijin" in Japanese).Every comment would be in a similar form, and the author of the original poem would reply to each comment accepted with another short poem. In this way several conversations can be held at once between the writer and any number of readers, for as long as the answer is in 5-7-5.

If you love haiku
You will comment in haiku/
Senryu to this

One Meta-Haiku
Can lead to 50 or more
Related verses

Reinvent the wheel
To build a better mouse trap
Poet know thyself

Show them poetry
In three lines, five seven five
They will think "haiku"

Elegant answer to my
Honest oppinion

PS. I also love to draw and paint
Thanks , Poem Williams!
The first Million Haiku Smile
Said, "You can Do it!"

meta-haiku on the internet part #2

November 27, 2006 - Monday

1:23 AM - Swatted On The Nose With The Rolled Up Newspaper Of Truth -Part 2: .Senryu
Current mood: Disillusioned- out of state of illusion
Category: Disillusioned- out of state of illusion Blogging

The story so far:
Je maverick scared Doc E
With this comment; quote

" This is senryu
Remember it is content
That makes a haiku"

Doc thinks he's in deep trouble!
"Abandon MySpace!"

I think better on paper.

Working mental equations is less stressful with nobody potentially looking over my shoulder. A non-electronic network of intuition, reason, a number two pencil, and a blank sheet of paper.
I use a personal shorthand that looks like a blend of greek, the calculus, and snot-nosed-punk. My basic approach is Occum's Razor: the simplest solution is likely to be the best course of action.

The following are my best(simplest) translation of the notes written after logging off of my personal confuser.
Je Maverick-Friend, not insane, *Warning?* on Meta-Haiku post comment ...
This is senryu...Person ? Style other than haiku? Is there a threat to/from established authors? Identify possible danger levels to self /MySpace archive/Meta-Haiku.

Formalize/describe M-H for post/publication.
Google/research senryu... Is all true haiku Only in Japanese language/translated from Japanese?

Haiku versus Senryu versus Meta-Haiku

Log into Google, sample "senryu" -Done! Wow!

Log onto MySpace. Post best results in blog!- >Done /buried in archive

Thank Je Maverick for the heads up/ koan (enlightenment inducing puzzle/riddle)! - Done! LOL!

Clarify to readers just what the double-hockey-sticks is going on.- Continuing with this post and following comment replies!
A (not haiku but) senryu for Je Maverick, and all of my good MySpace friends:
Only a True Friend
Cares enough to say, "You have
Snot in your mustache!"
Dear Readers, don't miss the final episode of "Swatted..." where will be posted the fullfilment of the promises made here in part 2. Links to authoratative sites, archives and profiles! Special thanks and acknowledgments! And a suprise announcement!...Watch for my bulletins and stay tuned to this blog!!! ~NAMASTE~~~J.E.~~~

Currently listening :
Who Are You
By The Who
Release date: By 19 November, 1996

meta-haiku on the internet part #1

November 27, 2006 - Monday

1:31 AM - Swatted On The Nose With The Rolled Up Newspaper Of Truth -Part 1:. Haikudo
Category: Blogging

1)The slightest whispered
Breeze ends the worm's tortures
Butterfly escapes

2)A statement of fact
Makes him furious, insane
Bringing his madness

3) Fluttering insect
Why can you fly while I can't?
Respect gravity!

4) Float across the fields
Wormhood all but forgotten
Pollen dusted wings

5) I found my own cure
I'll just grow butterfly wings
Writing senryu

I was chained to vanity in my own private Helicon, when the serene avatar of the inimitable Je Maverick appeared before me. Always happy to see the face of this trusted advisor and friend, I imagined his glowing praises and copious Kudos gracing the comments of my latest post, Meta-Haiku. There were over 25 original poems amassed and his own response was in the familiar three line, 17 syllable form.
The message he left caused my mental circuits to freeze. I quickly rebooted my brain and tried to understand the secret code being transmitted by the cryptic comment. What did he mean by this?

This is senryu
Remember it is content
That makes a haiku

Was I being accused of plagiarism? Had I lost the respect of a valued ally? Are the copyright police right now rifling my email for evidence? And who the HELL is Senryu?

My mind had gone from smug to survival mode in the span of 17 syllables. Pride to paranoia in the space of three lines.
Visions of very expensive lawyers intimidating my court appointed attorney swarmed through my head. My dream of someday being introduced by Oprah as "the Million Haiku Man" was overwritten by the 60 Minutes Special "the Haiku Thief". I wondered if there was a mandatory minimum sentence for whatever I was being accused of doing or neglecting. I'm too pretty for poets prison.
I would change my name and move to Ohiowa where they've never met a poet and the scandal couldn't follow me. With numb digits, I logged out of MySpace; maybe for the last time.


Organized on the
same basic principles as
an ancient zendo:

meditation hall
classroom and gymnasium
students train themselves

always more important than
master disciple

November 27, 2006 - Monday

3:33 AM - Poem(a haiku)((the first Meta-Haiku))
Current mood: calm
Category: Blogging

All of a sudden
The simple natural truth
Becomes a poem

28 Comments - 27 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


the color of depth
Magic in the heart and wild
green is of freedom
Dojo of the mind
Train while body is resting
Practice just as hard

Excellent haiku
Fills the mind with an image
And sudden "A-HA!"

meta-haiku on Blogger

Change ten thousand things
Go unnoticed; Change one thing
All else must follow